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Anthony Doran Misses State Qualification by 20 Pins

By Alex Gehrlein '19, 02/28/18, 9:30AM EST


Anthony enjoyed a great career with the Alley Cats, which ended at Districts on Sunday.

As the season comes to a close, it’s time for the Wildcats to say goodbye to four-year team member and this year’s captain, Anthony Doran ‘18.

After the team’s loss at the Sectionals tournament, Anthony was able to advance on to districts in the singles category, while the rest of the team was not able to make it.

Unfortunately, Anthony just barely missed advancing to the State Tournament by a mere twenty pins. Anthony bowled a 244-181-151 (580) series on Sunday at Wedgewood Lanes in Youngstown. 

A guiding influence and friend to all his teammates, Anthony will be missed as he graduates and moves on to college.